Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fogo Island Long Studio - Saunders Architecture

This linear form arranges it spaces in a straight row. I am looking at forming the spaces in my Members Area in a straight row since the shell of it is already a long rectangle.
  • create structures that respect where we’ve come from and dignify this landscape that is so fragile yet so fearsome
  • structures that touch our imaginations and help maintain a connection between our past and our future
  • concept of the long studio responds to the transition of the seasons.
  • The studio is organized in a linear from that consists of three different spaces. An open but covered area representing the spring marks the entrance to the studio and the beginning of the seasonal activity. The central portion is left open and mostly exposed to be fully immersed in all that is offered by the long summer days on Fogo Island. The end and main body of the studio is fully enclosed to provide an area of protection and solitude from the outside environment while still providing a connection to the landscape through a strategically framed view of the dramatic surrounding.
  • long linear structure of this artist studio maximizes the amount of open wall and floor space. Large windows at either end and a skylight on the roof of the studio allows the maximum amount of natural light to flood the space. We have made one of the walls 1m deep to house storage, toilets and washbasins, with doors that are flush to the wall, thus avoiding any visual distraction inside the space.


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