Saturday, August 6, 2011

Week 2 Studio| Flexible, Mobile, Distributed & Virtual

The studio activity focused on exploring the 4 Strategies. Where in a group of 3 we discussed and brainstormed a few ideas on how the strategies could work within our parliament context. We begun by defining each strategy so as to give us a foundation to begin from. Below are the outcomes of the studio activity.

Strategy: Mobile and Distributed

From our observations, we found that Mobile and Distributed were similar and concluded that the ideas in Mobile would be basically the same as in Distribution. Movement and various entities were the main elements.

Strategy: Virtual

Virtual seemed complex and endless. There were various ways to define/view what virtual was. Sensory trigger became the main discussion - the sensory trigger from songs/music that took the mind through memories.

Strategy: Flexibility

Flexibility begun hard to discuss since "rigid" was the only term stuck on our minds. How can a parliament seem flexible? It was hard to accept that it could function as being flexible. But through discussion with the tutors we produced ideas more than the previous strategies. It seems that Flexibility has the potential to delve into.

Individual Idea Development

The Capital by James Law James Law Cybertecture. A Commercial Complex - with a "Digital Eye" to broadcast news and media to passersby. Can this be a virtual layer to the Parliament building of the 21st Century?

Bones Orthopedic Cast. Sensors track activity and send data to a website where it analysed online.Can devices like these be a way to communicate from any location without being in a room with others?

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