Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week 6| Project 1 Development

This week we met up to collaborate before final submission - we "boarded up" our information.

Individual Project Development
Summarising our group discussion in week 2 to define flexibility:
Definition: the nature of change and evolution. Where a space has various functions, such as formal conferences to causal meetings. The ability to reconfigure environments through intelligent sensor systems, mobility, and visual and physical transformation. Form follows function.

I summarised each of the 4 types of flexible strategies below from the information gathered from Robert Kronenburg's book: Flexible: Architecture that Responds to Change.

Robert Kronenburg’s 4 types of flexible strategies that result in “flexible architecture”:
Adaptation: future change is accommodated within the existing building fabric. The interior space and its elements are openly accessible for the user to inhabit in and allow for a diverse range of functions, such as work, relaxation, and entertainment.
Transformation: the building fabric is able to physically or visually alter through their structure, skin or internal surfaces. The building can create different characteristics by being open or closed to the public and also, be able to change the image of the building through the functions taking place inside.
Movability: buildings/structures that are able to relocate from a place to another place. These innovative building fabrics are modular by design so that they east to assemble and disassemble.
Interaction: these types of buildings are receptive to the user’s needs in order to alter the surrounding environment. Kinetic systems and intelligent materials are utilised to change the appearance and environment that the user is dwelling within.

Book source: Kronenburg, Robert. 2007. Flexible: architecture that responds to change. Laurence King Publishing.

Hayley found this link - - where the 4 flexible strategies have been explored through useful diagrams (below).

Adapation: structures that can be repositioned and open floor plans.

Seattle Public Library, Seattle, US, REM Koolhaas/OMA, 
"The in-between spaces are like trading floors where librarians inform and stimulate, where the interface between the different platforms is organized - spaces for work, interaction, and play. (And reading)."

Transformation: structures that open and close, can be moved around, and change form.
Bengt Sjostrom Starlight Theatre Rockford, IL, USA, Studio Gang Architects, 2003
"Under the folded, origami-like roof, an intimate social setting is created with a porous boundary to the landscape. The central theatre space forms an unexpected vertical axis to the sky; an observatory to the stars through a kinetic roof that opens in fair weather."

Mobile: structures that can be relocated and repositioned, assembled and dissembled.
Mobile dwelling unit, USA, LOT-EK, 2003
"MDU is a 40ft shipping container that has been modified into a relocatable dwelling. The container accommodates several modules for various functions such as cooking, washing and sleeping. These modules sit within the container so that during transportation the MDU largely resembles any other container sitting on a ship or a dock.Once the MDU has been delivered to a site, the modules slide out of the container like extrusions and create an inner hallway in the newly created void inside the container."


Interaction: structures that respond to external stimuli.
Smartwrap building, New York, USA, Kieran timberlake associates, 2003
"SmartWrap represents a new way of thinking about a building envelope. It is a dramatic alternative to how a conventional facade is manufactured, functions and appears. It proposes to replace the conventional "bulky" wall with a composite of millimeter scale that integrates climate control, power, lighting, and information display on a single substrate. Through the deployment of deposition printed organic photovoltaics and organic light-emitting diodes onto thin plastic layers, SmartWrap is lightweight, energy-gathering, mass customizable and sustainable. It is applicable to commercial and residential buildings on both large and small scales, and can be mass customized for a range of conditions and desired aesthetic programs, the printed pattern dictated by the needs of the particular project."

Re-writing the problem statement again...
One of the four functions of Parliament is legislation – the making of laws. This occurs through the legislative process involving the proposed Bills to go through either the House of Representatives or the Senate.

Currently, senators and members are involved within the discussions to whether the bill passes or not while, the only approach Australian citizens have are visiting their local Member of Parliament to influence legislation and laws prior to the parliament sitting. This lack of public presence within the structure of the legislative process excludes public consultation that is vital to the functioning of the country.

There is a designated area within the parliamentary chambers where the public are able to view the proceedings that occurs from a level above. Yet, this presence of the public has no interaction with the members below. It is essential to incorporate public presence within the parliamentary debate so that it will allow for direct connection between the public and the parliament and allow interaction 
between spaces in the area.

Through creating a forum that involves public contribution to parliamentary debates will enhance the outcomes of the legislative process and create the desired interaction between the public and the parliament. 

Origami: Japanese art of folding paper: most flexible - adaptable, transformation, mobile, and interactive...
Can inspire design of building facades, structures, objects, furniture...


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