Sunday, November 6, 2011

Poetic Resolution

Poetic Resolution
Presence and Identity
The forms are intended to boldly interpose on either side of the flagpole on the existing Parliament House building and as a result it has been influenced by the flagpole on top of Parliament House.

It has been influenced by movement – the flow of the glass facade slope directs the eye up to the presence of the iconic flagpole.

To attract viewers/passersby, emphasis on the point of attraction is through the emergence of the fold-like structures.

Unity - Balance
The atmosphere of unity aims to be achieved through the symmetrical balance – placement of the centres at either sides of the flagpole.

The play on contrast on the exterior against the rigid light-coloured stone (existing building fabric) and the interruption of the protruding dark metal (proposed extension building fabric).

Utilising a transparent lightweight structure to create an openness to the external environment and visible to the spectators on the various levels of proposed centres. The transparent structures to also embody/signify the voice of the people.

User Experience

Senate  Debating Chamber - open facade

House of Representatives Debating Chamber - closed facade

Aesthetic Rigor

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