Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tectonic Resolution

Tectonic Resolution
Purpose and Function

- allowing the means of direct communcation between the federal government and the public.

- this age of technology has provided means to gather in a single place to discuss matters without overpopulating physical spaces and having the possibility of not being heard.

- technology will enhance discussion and avoid security conflict, a media box is proposed within the debating chambers. And a media box within the proposed extension where the public will sit.

- the notion of Public Consultation being introduced within the legislative process requires support services. Area of preparation, research, and general office needs.

- to demonstrate that this element in the process is necessary and important -- it will become an element that is part of the existing Parliament House building fabric.

- located above parliament house for the reason of the idea of “people over government” -- from Griffin’s original plan for Capital Hill to be kept as green space and as a meeting place. It’s also directly connected with the function of arliamentary debate.

Circulation and Access
The participants arrive at the front entrance of Parliament House where they move straight through till they reach Members Hall when they either split off to either House of Representatives or Senate (depending on which they registered to). Using the existing stairwells and lift will direct them up to the foyer of DPC on level 3.

Structural and/or Operational Integrity
A wall will host two media screens in the chambers. These screens will display the participants and through live feed the participants and the MPs will be able to communicate. A room - Media Room- located above in the DPC will be where the participants gather.

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