Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Formulating an Individual Brief

Design Intent/Brief

Who: is going to use the space.
The public – Australian Citizens – public committee
These will be the primary users. People from each Australian State will be selected through a randomised system. These people will be categorised under two groups: registered and randomly selected.
The registered will represent people who have an interest in being involved in parliamentary debate on matters of public importance. These people have an opportunity to register online or in person at their local government. The randomly selected are randomly chosen by being an Australian citizen.
Secondary users will include tourists, school students/teachers, parliamentary guides, and seminar organisations.

What: architectural entity
Chambers of parliament – Public forum – a permanent physical structure attached to the existing
Re-design the interior and the shell/structure of the House of Representatives or the Senate. The need for the chambers of parliament to accommodate the change within the structure of parliament – the legislative process to involve public consultation.

Where: location
Building type: Government – Parliament House of Australia - Canberra
Chambers of Parliament: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

When: time/occasion it will take place
New designated dates will be created for public consultation. These dates will be chosen in consideration on the days before parliament sits.
Tours run throughout the day and special private request tours may run through non-business hours.
Seminars to run during the weekends.

To close the gap between the people and the parliament at a national level.
To insert a public presence within the chambers.
To provide a forum for parliamentary debate and discussion that encourages Australian citizens involvement.
To allow the space to function for another use. Use the existing infrastructure for another service.


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