Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 9| Studio: Project 2 Development

This week's lecture focused on architecture as an assitive device.
The project's Architectural Entity needs to assist people:
  • debate issues
  • make decisions
  • take action
  • through flexible
  • understand it constitutes the ACT (can be able to attach symbolic meanings)
The principle actor in this project is The User.

During our studio - we showed our tutor our final briefs.
The main issue I wanted to resolve was wondering if I needed to make it own Centre of Public Consultation in the Senate. From the discussion with Brant, I think I do need it since the Senate has its own function/process that may be different to the House of Representatives.
I also need to work on my building fabric and maybe connecting the two centres with a bridge on top of the parliament - this poses whether it will make a bold impact or a gentle one.

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