Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 8| Studio: Project 2 Development

This week's studio started off with our tutor discussing geometry and the 6 S's (Steward Brand's shearing layers of change).

After that short discussion we split into our study groups. Hayley, Tash, and I discussed on two topics: the location of our site and how we are going to make our architectural entity flexible.
I know that my two sites will be both the chambers of parliament. We discussed that through skin + structure = flexible.

Discussion with Brant concluded that from here to next next week I need to finalise my final brief + plus diagrams with areas and adjacencies, final selection of where my architectural entity will be, and how will it be flexible.

I will be looking at:

  • skin that allows for light to enter the building but be able to control the amount of light entering
  • the volume that my spaces will take over in the chambers. the need to build up and to make a presence in the front elevation of the parliament house - not be hidden
  • spaces needed/required

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