Friday, September 9, 2011

Parasitic Architecture + Parliament House

parasiticdefine: having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech; living off another

parasitic architecture
define: "as an adaptable, transient and exploitive form of architecture that forces relationships with host buildings in order to complete themselves"

"We understand parasitism in architecture as a concept that allows for a new mode of thinking in the configuration of an urban landscape. In order to shed light onto this innovative concept and acquire a deeper understanding, let’s go back to the biological parasite. In general terms the parasite has to take up a position within the body, that is, it inserts itself into the spaces, the organs, that the host body provides. As such the grid of the body, its natural contours, boundaries and edges will not be recognized by the parasite. The parasite has to survive within the body and the condition of that survival would be its refusal to recognize lines that mark out pre-existing edges and boundaries, and in refusing specific edge conditions the parasite constructs its own edge conditions, and thus creates new boundaries".

"Las Palmas Parasite" by Korteknie Stulhlmacher Architecen
2001 Rotterdam host the 'European Cultural Capital' - various cultural attractions and exhibitions are on display.
This exhibition is the "Las Palmas Parasite" by Korteknie Stulhlmacher Architecen. The site was an unused urban site - the building an empty industrial warehouse - the project was making 'parasitic' use of existing infrastructure. The space created contributed to more volume. 
Can I take this idea and add it to the chambers of parliament?


Lebbeus Woods

Images Source:

Para*site. St Louis Follies Competition (to host art exhibtions)

Their idea "urbican fever" - a parasite that uses existing city structures/buildings in order to develop. They used scripting to create self-referential orgamisns that follow growth patterns. 

urbican fever : cubic device is brought to the city --> the device begins to grow of its own logic (no external influences).

The structure form is a honeycomb (repeated)... where by people entering the structure the shape of the cell changes and affect the entire process. A type of interactive flexiblity?

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